My newest purchase and it was a bargain :) |
With upcoming weddings in the next couple of years (possibly) that I will be a part of (probably), I have made it a goal to lose weight. Fifty pounds. Sounds like a huge number - and it is. But I figure that I have until at least the end of 2012 to reach this astronomical goal, so by my calculations if I can lose FIVE little ol' pounds a month I can reach my desired weight. I figure by me putting it out here for all the world to read, hopefully it will be motivation enough to get busy. Here's the thing. I LOVE food. I work at a desk eight hours a day. I'm not at that age that you can just eat anything and it has no effect,
sadly. My weight has creeped up and up over the last ten years unfortunately. Needless to say, I have a difficult time losing weight. Not any more. I say that with determination and a fierce growl, lol. I will document at the end of the month how much I've lost. Now I definitely will have to work hard because I don't want my whole two blog readers to call me out on it! (This is secretly the real reason I started blogging) Hahaha. So knowing I needed to pick up my exercise practices, I turned a corner of our basement into the "exercise room" or Ray's "fun new place to swing from things room" while I "esersize".
I have big dreams for this little space. Here it is as of right now, not a pretty site, but it has potential...
at least I think so.
Let's see... we've got the gazelle, ab lounger, treadmill, stair stepper and the bike. Need just a few more things to make it complete.
So, once its at least 50 degrees outside I can clean and seal up those unsightly walls. I'm thinking about painting the floor and putting up a bunch of length sized mirrors, though why I would want to watch myself exercise is beyond me, but I want to do it anyways. Possibly put in a drop ceiling or something and there we go. Exercise room complete. Now I just have to use it! Which I have been, but I need to be a little bit more faithful to it. Plus in addition to my room - my darling sister Victoria showed me that I have exercise on demand on my TV. OHHHHH sooo fun. So many exercises to choose from - a lot of dancing exercises like latin, hip hop, bellydancing, bollywood, even urban strip dancing. I've tried two of the above... can you guess which two :) ?
I'm not going to say what the starting weight is but at end of March I will tell you if any pounds were lost. If you care to know anyways. Even if you don't care, if your on here reading , you're going to find out, lol. Here's to saying goodbye to the first five... sayonara! |
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